With the variety of styles of handbags and purses available, there's a type for everyone's needs. Select a bag based on fit, comfort and fashion.
Fashion doesn’t stop with dresses, blouses, skirts and slacks. Having the right handbag is just as important in a woman’s wardrobe as any other apparel item. It’s more than an accessory since it can be a signature piece or a fashion statement.
Since most women have multiple-layered lives, they own more than one handbag for the different roles they play. Moms of young children are likely to have a tote for carrying around an endless supply of snacks, books and toys. Young, twenty-something women are likely to have the bag du jour – whether it’s a cross-body satchel or hobo style bag. Business women may carry a satchel, tote or briefcase-style carryall.
Tote Style Handbag
The tote bag is typically square or rectangular. It can be made in a variety of materials, including canvas, nylon, leather or any other durable fabric. It has an open top with handles that can be worn on the crook of the arm or shoulder.
Tote bags come in all price ranges, from discount to high-end designer.
Hobo Handbag
Hobo bags have unstructured, crescent shaped styling with a strap that can be worn over the shoulder. Sometimes the strap is adjustable. They may come with a zippered, snap or flap closure.
Hobo bags may be leather, nylon or other synthetic fabric.
Clutch Handbag
The clutch is often the bag of choice for evenings. They are carried by hand, and some come with straps or chains for hands-free carrying. Clutches come with a variety of closures.
Clutch bags are made of a variety of materials, including satin, silk and metal mesh. Many of them are adorned with beading and other shiny materials.
Satchel Bags
One of the favorite styles of handbag is the satchel. These bags come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Most have single or dual handles long enough to be carried on the crook of the arm. They may have zipper, snap or magnetic flap closures.
Satchels can be made from leather, manmade or exotic materials, and they come in a variety of price ranges.
Messenger Bag
The messenger bag comes in all sizes and has a long strap that can be worn across the body. This frees up the hands for other tasks. Most messenger bags have magnetic flap, snap or twist lock closures.
Other Styles of Handbags
In addition to the tote bags, hobo bags, satchel handbags and messenger bags, there is a large variety of styles to choose from. Some are variations of standard styles, and others are unique. Like those listed above, they come in a variety of materials and price ranges.
Other styles of handbags include:
- Duffle – for carrying large loads
- Baguette – long and rounded for style and comfort
- Cigar box – structured in the shape of the cigar box
- Pouch – soft, unstructured and generally small
Cheers! =)